Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nothing Ever Happens

Red, Yangnam, ROK (2011)

It's been a really long time since I read the bible. I don't pretend to really know anything. But I do. The last books I read were MAUS I and II. Graphic novels- So you understand what I'm working with.

If everything in heaven is the achievement of everything you've ever sought in life, or the inverse of that (which would probably get you into heaven easier- To seek nothing- to live contently with nothing), then I still don't understand how it could be that great. People say, "all we know is the physical. and at some points in our life we make contact with the spiritual." I think that's true on some level for everyone. but to say that we can't conceive the greatness of a thing that is not physical is really just an old excuse- because it's the only thing we really know for sure. Only something unimaginably good is better than this tangible thing or another.

I can't talk to flowers. or a dog. or water. so I'm definitely incapable of speaking to a star. but then, maybe these are things I can do when I go to heaven. I honestly don't want to talk to an old ass star.

It's all matter. And what's not? I don't know.

It's like, "I don't know what I'm talking about. But I can't possibly know. and that's the magical part." I'm not sold.


  1. It's all just the carrot at the end of the stick.

    You don't know how bad shit can get until you talk to someone that doesn't believe in science.

  2. I don't know anyone who believes in science more than you, doo.
